Christmas Eve 2014

A lovely relaxing day.
A little trip to Nivelles for an explore. The Abbey was beautiful; we were very impressed.
The rest of the day was spent playing and decorating the Christmas chocolate log, doing nails (Olivia and I) and finishing the activities for tomorrow. We then all snuggled on the sofa by the fire and watched a few festive programmes together before checking to see if Santa had sent the kids an email each. I filled up as the kids held each other to see if they were on the 'nice' list. The whoops of delight were enough to finish me off.
After baths the kids sprinkled the special Christmas dust on the doorstep, left a snack and a letter for Santa, put their stockings out and then I drew a special Santa picture for Dexter before we all settled down to read 'The night before Christmas.' The kids are soooooo excited as are we. This really is the best day of the year!
We're now assembling some toys whilst watching our favourite Christmas movie - It's a Wonderful Life!
I'm filling up again!

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