Times Of My Life

By CarolB


The in-laws brought their wee terrier, Scara (as in Scara Brae, because she came from Orkney) with them.  First time she has ever been to our house, and one of her first trips off the farm.  She has only ever been in the car to go to the vet for her booster shots.  So, loads of new experiences for her, and she was absolutely perfect.

Rocky was delighted to see her. They always have great fun when we go up there, and the two of them love to race around outside playing leapfrog and chase.  In the house though, they were quietly companionable, and lay in their beds side by side quite the thing; maybe it is time we got a wee pal for him now. 

She's a funny looking wee girl; Jack Russell x Collie.  She'd be great at herding rats!

Tea time now, and I've got the house all straightened out again.  All guests gone, and plenty of leftovers to be heated up for tea.  Then we are off to visit my sister and her crew for a wee while. 

Aaaaah.  I do love Christmas after the stress has all gone!

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