at home with an Ivysaurus

By MoGrant

2nd Christmas as a family

The taking of this photo was not a smooth operation. A 10 second timer gives a wriggly ivy plenty of time to escape... in both directions... 

We had a lovely christmas. I'd put all ivy's presents out for her, but we didn't actively encourage her to open them so she worked through them at her own pace. She got lots of lovely things, including lots  and lots of wooden food from Granny Grant and Pops and the step stool turned toy kitchen Euan and I made her. Ayesha got her some rather disturbing snogging cows, that Ivy of course absoloutly loves!

We had Gammon for our christmas lunch, Euan did all the cooking. Ivy wasn't very much for eating much, she's got a bit of a cold again. She just had a few spoonfulls of mashed potato. 

Ivy missed her morning nap so was tired and grumpy, Euan wrap napped her for half an hour, but she was still very unhappy when she woke up. We decided to take her down to the cheilidh place anyway, which was good because she cheered up instantly we got there, climbed onto Lisa and said 'bye bye' to me. It's a lovely atmosphere in there on Christmas day, I think next year we'll go for the buffet too to save trying to cook with 3 small people wandering about. Lots of our friends (and Ivy's) were there. 

We stayed out most of the afternoon (actually missed Dr who- shock horrror!), Ivy did very well- when she got a bit tired she sat down for 20 minutes and quietly put some plastic spoons in and out of a cup till she recharged. She tried to convince one of the waitresses to give her cake (Ivy can now say cake...), so the lovely waitress went and got her a piece of shortbread- and from then on whenever she picked up Ivy, Ivy said to her 'nom nom'.

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