Gaze at the Gazebo

I hadn't taken a picture all day, so I went downtown after the sun set.

We have a fairly new, very popular restaurant in the area, so a few people were milling about. I waited until a couple of walkers were in the picture. They look like ghosts in the lower right.

Then, to the gym. I was halfway through an hour walk when my phone rang. "Hey Dad, you and Mom want to go to the movies?" "Uh...yeah...(pant, pant) I guess."

To the show, we tried to go...
but the show, it was SOLD OUT!
We'll have to go back at a later time...
to see what it was all about.

Instead of seeing A Night at the Museum, we went to my daughters, and watched Water for Elephants. I really enjoyed the movie, although I liked the book better.

Uh oh...I just missed the midnight deadline. This is now officially a back blip. Night night.

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