Indonesian Feast

For some reason I just liked the perspective on this shot. The frosty Manchester street, the old Merc and Squidge in her new coat standing watching me from the corner.

Bit of a strange day. Went up to the in-laws for a get-together with Angus's step-Dad's family. Took almost 2 hours in traffic to get there and when we did arrive the atmosphere was very subdued.

We stayed a few hours, ate an amazing Indonesian feast, played with 18 month old cutie pie Martha and then set off back for another 1 hour and a half drive. What is wrong with the traffic right now?

We were all happy to be home again. Squidge is still struggling to sleep without her dummy though (once she finally does sleep she's fine but she's not worked out how to get herself off to sleep without it yet so tends to just cry it out which is a little distressing).

I've got to work tomorrow unfortunately but hoping to only have to do a few hours paperwork so I can make the most of these precious days with them both. I can feel Angus's return to work looming in the distance.....

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