
5years 68days 

....I told you yesterday that we partied til the wee small hours! She's never been up that late and did amazing. She changed into her jammies around 1030, but that didnt stop her dancing. I had got her coat on her at one point. Til she spotted Eden off to dance with her daddy, Katie's godfather. She ran ditched her coat and ran to join them. The party organiser handed them both balloons from the table and they twirled and danced clutching them. When eventually we got away, we took the cliff lift home. She walked to Grandad's house, stood at the door and grinned at him. It was about 1245am by the time she nodded off. 

We packed up and left Scarborough today. We both had some very special times this holiday, but were ready for a wee breather at home. She slept on the way home then walked into the house and proclaimed "it's good to be in our lovely house, just you and me", before giving me a massive cuddle. Then welcoming her new Christmas friends to the house. We pottered, lots of crafting and playing, a Christmas movie. We both had a nap about 4. I lasted 10 minutes, she lasted 90. Yet  by 6pm she was asking for a bath and then her bed. I thought she'd fallen asleep at 730 but she woke again. She danced along to The Snowman before succumbing to sleep for the final time. I think she was on a mission to stay awake if at all possible - we are going to London tomorrow and leave excruciatingly early. She appeared to think being awake was the answer. I told her very clearly that was not how the plan was going to go! Needless to say, she is now snoring away in my bed. 

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