Fairy wings

I had to leave for work early today. Just before leaving the house, daughter #1 asked if I could go into town to buy a couple of yellow tops (one for her and one for her friend - dressing up day at school tomorrow ). By the time I got to work a text message had been sent adding two yellow fairy wings to her shopping list. I had a very busy schedule at work and I managed to escape for half an hour and run to town to buy the requested yellow tops and fairy wings. I couldn't find any yellow fairy wings.
We managed to get some at a local shop en route to kayaking. Whilst the girls were at kayaking, I helped my son prepare for his French oral on Friday.
The fairy wings that we had bought were not yellow so when daughter #1 got back from kayaking, she decided to paint the wings yellow. I didn't realise that she had done this until I went to kiss her good night and saw yellow paint on her bedroom floor.
Daughter # 2 had one of her maths SATS papers today. She said that it went well.

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