Simply Me

By Suze981

A masterpiece in iron

I live right next to Holyrood palace. Apparently the Augustinian abbey that is part of the palace was founded in 1128 and it is thought that it was used as a royal residence since around 1329. These wrought iron gates were a 20th century addition to the palace.

I run past them a lot and I always think how beautiful they are. Everytime I walk past them with my mum, she always says how much she loves them too. They really are beautiful. I'm afraid my picture today doesn't do them justice.

It was raining as I left work, but my training plan said I was scheduled for a 3 miler (just a wee one today!) so I diligently pulled on my trainers and headed out. I didn't want to stand in the rain and get cold, so the picture you see is a 2 second shot!

My run was the last thing I felt like doing this evening. I really couldn't be bothered, but once I got going, I really enjoyed it. The rain wasn't too heavy and I was singing along to Mighty Wings by Cheap Trick. It was brilliant, it's just a shame I was only allowed to do 3 miles...oh well 10 days on the countdown to the marathon...eek :)

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