Photos from a random mind

By katkatkat

Merry Christmas

This Christmas was quite unlike any other.  I set an alarm and got up to put the turkey on.  Normally I would stay up, but feeling unwell I went back to bed for a couple of hours.

Once we were all up and dressed, we headed to the Hospital for 11am to visit Grannie.  We'd been told she was better in the mornings but this morning she had spilled a drink on herself and by the time she'd been dressed for the second time, she was quite exhausted.  We helped her open presents, she acknowledged some, didn't notice others.  I'd taken in the laptop so that we could skype Rachel and the great grandchildren.  She couldn't hear them through the laptop speakers but recognised them and smiled all the same.

We were back home not long after 12.  Mum had also been struck down with the cold, she just about stayed awake whilst we did presents but then slept until lunchtime.  I didn't even pick my camera up.  The rest of the day was very sedate and by bedtime I was desperate for a blip.  These bells will have to do,  Tomorrow morning we're off for Christmas round 2 at The Sisters.

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