Looking Forward...

By Fiono

City of lights

Basel seems to have a "White Christmas lights only" policy. They're my favourite kind. Simple but effective. The main shopping streets are lined with these beautiful arches of white light.

Day 12: Lights are used to communicate messages, be it morse code with a torch light or the thousands of pixels on a large LCD screen. There are many other ways to communicate as well. John opens his Gospel with a statement about the "Word" who was there "in the beginning", who "was with God" and "was God". Though it seems strange to relate to a noun as a person, it is done so here because the "Word" is God expressing himself, and communicating with us. We also read later on in the chapter (verse 14) that "The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us". God's message of hope and salvation didn't stay in a book, but manifested itself in the human form of Jesus that we might know him.

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