Simply Me

By Suze981

Do you want to build a snowman?

I'm a 33 year old woman and I love Frozen. I'm like a child who can watch it again and again. Recently someone asked me why it was so good. It wasn't a random conversation, I was wearing an Olaf Christmas jumper at the time. But it got me thinking, what made it great?

I believe that if you like something it's important to know why. I've often finished reading a book/watched a movie/been to the theatre and had to take some time after to organise my thoughts and form my opinions. And then I write.

For me, with Frozen, I've narrowed it down to three things:

1. I grew up in a 2 child family, I was the little sister. Disney has managed to get the dynamic between sisters spot on. I can easily identify with Anna. I adored my sister, I wanted to be like her, some days I even wanted to be her - and probably annoyed the hell out of her (and me). But I'd do anything for her, in a heartbeat.

2. Neil Gaiman once said "Fairy tales are more than true: not because they tell us that dragons exist, but because they tell us that dragons can be beaten." I don't like the quote - a first for me and Gaiman. I like the sentiment but sometimes the dragon doesn't need to be beaten, it just needs to be understood. It's all a matter if perspective. (I imagine though that Gaiman would argue that it's a matter of correctly identifying who the dragon is - and that's not always the dragon).

3. I always want to build a snowman.

Please forgive my ramblings, they're spurred on by an Olaf cookie kit I got in my Christmas stocking. This is the closest I'm getting to building a snowman this Christmas. Anyway, this is the result of my baking and my musings. Now if you'll excuse me, it's the last day of my Christmas holidays so I'm off to watch Frozen (again).

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