Boys at work...

Yet another very , very hot day today, 30 degrees ..was a hot gush of air that hit me when I opened the front door this morning at 7am. This is typical of Christchurch when a Nor'wester wind is brewing. It is a very dry heat that zaps the moisture out of every living thing! Before living here I had never felt a weather pattern like it.
It triggers my migraines, and last night I was thinking how lucky I had been over the past two months , not getting one, and then I woke up this morning and felt the signs of one coming.,...took my tablets , had another bit of sleep and it seems to be under control , Ellas pool is being a great help by giving me a  cool place to plunge into now and then!

Dave was back to work today, and he and two other of our workers are working on a big weatherboard house that needs a re-paint. Too hot really , but Ella and I went around and gave them a ice-block to help!

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