
By Thepainterswife


Quiet day at home today.
We all a bit subdued as tomorrow we are taking our dear old dog Minnie to the vet for the very last time.......
She is 16 , has health problems and as much as we love her to bits the time has come for us to let her go, it would be cruel to keep her going, and it would be for our sake not hers.
I have to be the brave one tomorrow, Dave is no good at all in situations like this. We have a wonderful vet, who I have made arrangements with, and they will be wonderful I know. Ella is being very good, she realizes it is the best thing for Minnie.
I was going to blip Minnie tonight, but couldn't bring myself to do it..instead here is the last bit of sun hitting Castle Rock high above our home.

Life is so hard sometimes.

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