Here there and everywhere

By digitaldaze

The eve of Kings Day

Out for a walk on the eve of Kings Day, which is like Christmas Eve for all the kids here. The three kings deliver the pressies tonight. Every family has a nativity scene at home and the kings are set a good distance away from it when it's put out and they move a bit closer to it every day. Tonight they arrive! Each scene in Cataluña includes a 'caganer' - google it if you want to know more! The kings arrive at the port and then parade all over the city, where families line the streets to see them and you can feel the excitement from the wee ones as they approach.

It's also the day when, if you're new to the city and customs, you wonder why everyone's carrying step ladders around! We found out many years ago (after thinking it was a traditional present to buy for Kings Day) that it's to get a good view of the kings!

My eye was caught by this shop display this afternoon.

We're now watching the arrival of the kings on TV, being welcomed by the mayor of Bcn and being given the freedom of the city.

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