at home with an Ivysaurus

By MoGrant

Surprisingly okay with life...

and not just because she has a blueberry pancake. I worried Ivy wasn't going to cope with Euan going back to work since she's been so Daddy focussed recently, but she seemed to be quite pleased that things were back to normal and was very affectionate towards me and did lots of taking my hand to lead me about to tell me what she wanted. She didn't quite remember that when Euan goes to work she traditionally comes back to bed with me for a morning nap, and she ran about for an hour before sleeping for two.

We went to gaelic toddlers in the afternoon and Ivy was in such a good mood that she let big Ivy pick her up and carry her about without complaining. She also ran up to Hannah pointing at her gleefully shouting 'HANNAH! HANNAH! HANNAH!'. Poor Ivy has been missing her social life over the holidays it seems. 

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