at home with an Ivysaurus

By MoGrant

It's not child labour....

if she enjoys it. 

Sponge is one of Ivy's words, although to be honest Ivy now has so many words it's hard to keep track of them all, she likes to pretend to clean. Euan and I, since we're soppy parents, bought her her own packet of sponges in Aldi that are a different colour from the sponges we use to clean so they don't get mixed up.

Ivy and I made foccacia in the morning, since there was nothing for lunch and it seemed like less effort than getting out of pjamas to go to tesco. Ivy's word for dough sounds like 'match' which I think comes from 'mix mix mix'. Her tiny fingers are particullarly good at making the required indentations in the top of foccacia.  Then we went to the bank to see our bank manager about the fact I had undeserved bank charges- got a refund, was pretty pleased with myself for paying enough attention to statements to notice it. I rather enjoy a trip to the bank in Ullapool, it's like the doctor - you get seen far quicker and it's much less stressfull than in a big place. We got caught in the rain on the way there and Ivy's hair went all curly. 

After the bank took Ivy to the bouncy castle in the soft play- I was early since I never manage to get a seat, but there was noone else there for Ivy to play with so I ended up on the bouncy castle with her. Pretty sure pregnant ladies shouldn't be on bouncy castles. The second another kid arrived Ivy was like 'bye then mum' and I hardly saw her for the rest of the hour (did loose my seat though when I stood up to get her a cup, mutter mutter, might try the 'pregnant lady' card soon). When Hannah arrived she and Ivy both tried to chase the same ball and looked for all the world like they were playing football- Ivy managed to persaude Ayesha to feed her a multide of baby snacks, anyone would think I don't feed her. 

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