
By Footloose_Fi

3rd January 2015: Hill Tribe Village

Barefoot youngsters shrieked with delight as they sprang out on each other,  while assorted geese and chickens waddled and strutted busily between the huts that house the Karen hill tribe villagers.  

A stall with carefully arranged colourful scarves caught my eye as we wandered along the impacted mud pathways.  The vendor had a wide, welcoming smile which, alarmingly, contained teeth and gums stained dark red/black from the nut and betel leaf packs that she chews.  The habit has had a terrible effect on her oral hygiene and yet her obvious pleasure at meeting us and showing off her handmade wares was delightful.  Our basic Thai got us successfully through a bout of bargaining and we came away not only with new scarves but also with honour retained on both sides for the highly satisfactory transaction!.

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