
By Instography

Finding your wet boots of yesterday sitting on the kitchen floor still full of wet sock kind of literally dampens the morning, which was a shame since it had started so well (but so early) with a complete lack of the expected wind and rain. There was nothing for it but to put the boots upside down on one side of the Aga to warm while the soup heated on the other, coffee was poured and bread and cheese was assembled for lunch. 

And then it was on with the wet boots and other clobber and off out into the wild for another good soaking. Such joy. 

Luckily the office radiator pumps out tremendous heat and everything was dry for coming home. And it was dry. And not very windy. Tomorrow might be another story since rather than working from the sofa I need to be up and out for a half eight train to Newcastle. Standard class. What a fuck up that is, if I actually manage to get anywhere.

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