It's Full of Stars!

The Boss says that was the last words of one of his favourite SF movies…2001. A Space Odyssey. 
Of  course that was about an eccentric computer rather than a small bossy stuffed dog who actually has never managed to change anything. Sigh!
This image was actually born of pain as The Bossess woke up in the middle of the night (with a sore knee) and looked out the window to see the sky full and the scene bathed in moonlight so immediately woke The Boss who was told to get out and get the shot. Have you ever tried to focus a  modern Mirrorless camera in the pitch dark?  No, neither had he, 
Learning curves are wonderful but chilly at the wee hours wearing only a night shirt with the room heating off. Yes this was out our room window.
The Boss has promised to practise some more at home.
This is our last image from Yosemite. It is a super place and the 6 days spent here have been probably the most exciting photographic time ever. 
AND YES there will  be an Ebook for all at a later time. Again huge thanks for all the wonderful comments. Please stay tuned.

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