A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley

More Food

Food does seem to be one of the most colourful things around me at the moment so I think that is why I am drawn to it for my blips. Well that's my excuse and if you're getting bored I'm very sorry. Soon (very soon) there will be nothing but puppy.

Basil and rosemary used to be a dead tie for my favourite fresh herb but I'm getting increasingly fond of coriander. So here's some before it got sprinkled on chicken and cashew curry. As regular watchers may have spotted I am rarely the curry maker around here but this was one of mine (well from a recipe book).

The messy work thing got sorted out and I did lots of very sociable things and some work stuff but unfortunately none of the big things so they are all going to have to be pushed into next week. But hey ho, it's been a busy and fun day and that's not to be sniffed at.

And in preparation for the new arrival I purchased a second hand stairgate and I moved fully into, oh my god what are we doing we must be mad phase.

Lesley x

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