A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley

It could be us?

I'll let you know in the morning if we can buy blip. It's a little early for purchasing our annual lottery ticket but tonight seems as good a time as any. For anyone outside of the U.K., there have been no winners of the weekly lottery for the last 14 weeks so the prize tonight is around £57mn and there will definitely be a winner as if no-one gets all six numbers they are going to go to who gets 5 and the bonus ball. So long since I've bought a ticket the price has doubled but for a special occasion and even the vaguest (1 in 45million) chance of saving blip it seems worth a punt.

And the trajectory of the day has so far been upwards. It did start pretty low after bad nights for both me and the boy. I seemed to bring myself around by being very busy...breakfast made, kitchen cleaned, laundry done, dog walked, lunch prepped all before heading off with the boy to the tank at 10.30am. I was pleased to have simple but worthwhile tasks to accomplish that could give me a sense of purpose when I wasn't feeling one at all. A little fake it 'til you make it can go a long way.

Interestingly both the centre workers at the oxygen today independently commented on the positive effects they could see in J from his first visit. That is 14 sessions so far, a full week of 5 this week and 15 more booked for the next three weeks. J is still struggling with the sessions and particularly the journey so if we can find time in all that I think we will try and get him a vestibular assessment. But overall we remain positive and hopeful.

Oh and the background has no relevance. It is just the article I am reading whilst waiting to collect Anna from dancing when I decided to take a break for blipping.

Lesley x

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