Photos from a random mind

By katkatkat

CN Tower (Day 9)

I was awake at 6am so I thought I'd be useful and check us on to our flights.  We were due to fly from Toronto back to Halifax in time to collect our bags, check back in and get our flight from Halifax back to Glasgow.  I could check in for the Toronto flight but not the Halifax.  "Odd", I thought.  I tried a few more times and then googled our flight number.  Turns out I'd made a mistake and booked the Halifax flight a day after the Toronto one.  Panic!

I woke The Boy, he calmed me down and said we'd just book a hotel in Halifax for the night, it would be okay.  We packed up our bags, had breakfast and then headed out to do the exploring that we'd missed out on due to flight issues on Wednesday.  You can't go to Toronto and not go up the CN Tower.  It was such a long way up.  The elevator had a glass floor (eeeeeppp!).  When I got to the top I was suffering vertigo, it felt like the building was swaying slightly, The Boy helpfully told me that a building that tall and thin, probably was.  We admired the views and terrified ourselves on the glass floor.

Toronto intimidates me a little.  The buildings are just so high, you barely see any sky in the part we were staying in.  We didn't really have time to do anything else so we booked a hotel in Halifax, checked out and got a taxi to the airport.


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