Photos from a random mind

By katkatkat

Accidental Halifax (Day 9 +1)

Having found ourselves with an unexpected day in Halifax, we thought we might as well fill it with some tourist stuff.  After breakfast we took a Harbour Hopper tour of the city.  The Harbour Hopper is a refitted Larc V, an amphibious vehicle built by the US army for use during the Vietnam War.  We toured the city on land and then we took to the water to learn the history of the city linked to the harbour.


Our surprise day also allowed another trip to World Tea House and those amazing chocolate avocado hearts.  We took a wander along the shore and explored the Farmers' Market, it put our local one to shame.  Later we took a visit to the fort on Citadel Hill.  I felt for the guys in their kilts, wool uniforms and big hats.  It was so warm, they must have been roasting.

Finally it was time to collect our bags and get a taxi to the airport and our flight home to Glasgow via Reykjavik then a long train ride to our beds.

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