Lizzie Says Hi

She'll get up next time.

I believe we have her diabetes under control, although we have another visit to the vet scheduled in a couple weeks to see what her numbers are.  She and I are both getting used to the twice-daily insulin injections.  Most of the time she doesn't even seem to know she's getting them.  I really appreciate that because I don't want to upset  her.  Lizzie can be difficult when she's upset.  Very difficult. 

A new challenge presented by this turn of events is that I have to find somebody I can trust to take care of her when I'm out of town or away for any length of time.  This isn't much of a problem because I usually stay pretty close to home, but I'm going to England in June and that's over two weeks that someone will have to come feed her and give her insulin twice a day.   We must be living right because I found an amazing gentleman who has a pet sitting business and I think he'll be able to take care of her just fine.  I really, really, wanted to be able to leave her home in her own environments rather than board her at the vet's, so I'm really happy about this.  The downside of course is the cost.  I think my ticket to Manchester will cost less than the pet sitting -- well, close. 

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