a new year!

By Thesalh70

Something fishy is going on...

The good sleep continues, which is very pleasing. Must be down to not having coffee or tea for 4 days! Curious as to whether the diet was working, weighed in and well chuffed to have lost 5lbs in 3 days!

Glad it's Friday and Friday is fish day. Off up to the fish market at lunch with rach. Glorious choice to pick from, and I plump for some pink snapper (to the right in the pic), and some fabulous tuna steaks. Rach chose some huge prawns for her stir fry. Can't beat the fish market, the guys on there are so helpful and even suggest recipes! Next week I'm trying the butter fish in the pic

Friday night and no vino. I deserve to have an Olympic medal for that! Still the weigh in has spurred me on not to be tempted by the call of the vino!

Green tea, tele in bed and nice early night, ready for a top weekend painting and partying with my bro and co

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