Blooming Marvellous

We've had a lazy day at home today - well lazy for me, but poor Alan's been in the garden trying to repair a damaged fence panel.  He's put it back together as best as he can, but it's time to get some new fencing.  The wind has been so strong this weekend, and still is, so it'll probably be down again by tomorrow morning.

Despite the wintry weather this geranium has started blooming, and as this is about the only photograph I've taken today, this is as good as it gets.

Following yesterday's incident in the sea, a second body was found on Rottingdean beach this morning by someone walking their dog. It's tragic, but I'm glad for the families that the bodies have been found.

Anyway, I'm just about to FaceTime Rachel and Scarlett and then get the dinner on, so I'll keep this short - bye for now.

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