at home with an Ivysaurus

By MoGrant

curly wurly

My clarinet teacher in High school used to say hair curled because it was the maddness in the brain leaking out. Certainly the madder Ivy gets the more her hair seems to have a mind of it's own. This is her AFTER a bath.

Ivy and I went swimming this afternoon. Euan's taken her the last few times so I've not seen how good she's getting. We didn't manage to leave the house as quickly as we tried to, since Ivy was playing 'chase me chase me' so she only got 15 minutes in the pool before we had to clear out for swimming lessons. She's outgrowing her fleecy wetsuit - it's too short in the arms and legs. A new one will be £20 though- i'm keeping an eye on ebay, but if nothing shows up by the time this one won't fasten we might shell out for one- since she loves swimming. She was very good- she basically swam herself for a bit and listened to me when I told her it was time to go. She was very pleased that some of her friends had arrived to watch their older siblings at swimming lessons. 

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