Two small people

Or, more honestly, two once small people. 

I picked these guys and their mum up from the airport, this morning. There had been WhatsApp comms with Dan and the occasional grainy FaceTime chat with both of them but the flakey 3G made it a pretty dissatisfying experience all 'round. Better than nothing but with an achey aftertaste.

I trotted into Arrivals roughly ten minutes before I thought they'd come through and I'd just found a space to lean on the railing and found my page in my book when I saw Abi out of the corner of my eye, on rapid approach, coming in for a hug. And it was a beauty. 

I can't tell you how lovely it was to see them again, and - despite the long, long flights - everyone was chirpy and chatty in the car. In the afternoon, Dan, Abi and I went down to the cottage and, at some point, we popped 'round the corner to Spar. They went on ahead, chatting away, and I followed along behind, supremely happy to to be back in their company.

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