A Sunday Snooze

Sometimes, when you look for big things ( birds and flowers), you don't see the little things. While looking for the perfect cactus bloom, I was lucky to spot this little guy.

What a fine little model. Shot after shot, close-up after close-up...Silver-boy never budged.

I ended up at the garden center after attending the "rock and roll" church. Why do I call it that?

On the plus side, they serve Krispy Kremes (doughnuts) before the start of the service. And, since they have back-to-back services, you know that the early one HAS to get out on time.

Minuses? Music SO LOUD that you can't hear yourself think. 4 song leaders, 4 guitars, a keyboard, and a drummer...with everybody HIGHLY amplified. ESPECIALLY the drummer. Bam...bam...bam...bam, to go along with songs that have a lot of oh-oh-oh's, and yeah-yeah-yeah's. Also (this is just an observation), all the leaders of the church are dressed in plaid shirts (untucked), and jeans. (Makes me wonder if they get a group rate on the shirts.) The minister isn't even there. He's being piped in from the mother church, maybe 20 miles away. Interesting...to say the least.

They scared me as I arrived. The doughnuts, coffee, and lemonade were not set up outside like they usually are. Luckily, they moved them inside. WHEW! (Actually, I didn't even have one!)

Do you think they would be offended if I showed up next week with  orange plugs in my ears?

A few more shots on my FLICKR PAGE.


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