Double Trouble

It was wonderful to wake up to a white out this morning.  A terrific change from the intense heat and humidity that we experienced when we were in Bundaberg.

We were surrounded by kookaburras this morning and these two were having a bit of a natter just outside the kitchen window.  A bit hard to photograph when they're sitting in a tree and there's a thick fog whirling around.

So pleased my big brother allan46 is still a true believer in the beetroot, lamb and vegemite sandwich.  The only way you'll know is to try one!!

A little bit of kitchen wisdom.  While I was in Bundaberg a lovely friend of CCN's mum gifted me the Queensland Country Women's Association recipe book.  I thought over the next few blips I might share some of their handy hints.  

Kitchen Chatter No1

When travelling to CWA annual meetings take a large plastic bag in the car to slip your hat into.  It will keep clean and fresh.

What do you do with egg yolks when you have used the whites for other things?  Poach the yolks in boiling water until hard.  Cool and use chopped in sandwiches or for garnishing.

Hope you find these tips a great help!!!  I'm sure Mrs C of cakescakescakes will find these very useful.

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