The Harbourmaster's House

We have walked a few sections of the Fife Coastal Path already, using the internet for our guide but today's bright sunshine and clear skies drew us out to the Harbourmaster's House on Hot Pot Wynd in Dysart, where information and maps for the entire walk are available.

Built on the site of the Shore House in the C19 and now B-listed, the house originally had three storeys which were used for storage of incoming and outgoing cargo and as office and residence for the Harbourmaster; when the East pier was raised to accommodate larger vessels the lower storey effectively became a basement. 

After several years of varied use and deteriorating condition, in the 1990's it was deemed too unsafe for occupation. Eventually, in 2005, it was gutted and refitted as Fife's first coastal centre, bistro and community room and the headquarters for Fife Coast and Countryside Trust, opening in September 2006. 

Having taken lunch and purchased our guide we wandered round the harbour and along the shoreline to explore the geology close by then drove back to avoid the rush hour traffic.


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