Snow Day

Well the forecast was right,  we've got snow - it's not much and it's already melting, but it was lovely to see, and today's blip is of our ever changing landscape at the side of the house.  The boys had a play in the garden and of course it's the first time they've seen snow so they sniffed it and then tried eating it, before chasing around in it.   

I had an appointment to see the doctor  again at 8.30am,  and he's given me another course of antibiotics and suggested a nasal inhaler, which I'm not too keen on using, as I don't think they're very good for you, but I'll give it a try.  I've decided to stay off work for a couple of days to rest and try and get better, I think I should have stayed off for longer than a day last week.

Anyway, I called at the chemist on my way home and whilst they had the antibiotics they didn't have the spray, so they offered to deliver it this afternoon which is a great service.

So my day is now spent watching daytime TV, having lots of cuddles with the boys and I'll catch up with what you've been up to.  Mind you I feel quite tired again, so I may have a nap!

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