
Dead or alive? I’m in the middle of a Mono Monday crisis, as my iPhone won’t turn on, so I can’t download my photos. Hopefully it’s just that its tired old battery has died, and I’ll be able to replace it, but I won’t know till Wednesday, as tomorrow’s a holiday and the shops will be closed. With luck, this will turn out to be a temporary blip, and I’ll be able to replace it with something better.

After a doctor’s appointment in Botafogo this morning, I wandered briefly round the district, getting a few shots of attractive old buildings, now jostled by unsightly modern apartment blocks. Along one street I waited for some time, eliciting curious glances from passers-by, to see if the Christ Statue would come out from behind the clouds to complete my picture. He didn’t, so I went home.

Other urgent tasks were put on hold for the rest of the day, as younger daughter had been without electricity, so no P.C, and was all behind with another uni assignment. That at least is the gist of what she said (to paraphrase Alan Bennett). So I was delving into Mr. Google again to find sites and material she could use. All quite educational for me, and I’m firmly blocking thoughts that it ain’t quite ethical.

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