Help daddy

Pease, I am now beginning to say please, thank you and ta. I also say hello and bye bye or ta ta. I cover my mouth when I cough, laugh when I sneeze and wipe my nose on my sleeve. Mummy says I am making progress but improvements still needed. I am only one.

I had such a fun day at my childminders. My best friend lewis was there today too. We played outside, inside, upstairs downstairs then in the softplay. We played with the buggy and dolly then we did some painting. I am exhausted.

When I got home I had great fun with daddy. I kept hiding things underneath the sofa and asking daddy to help me get them. So here we are rummaging about under the sofa playing. Amazing what I can get daddy to do!

So now its bedtime. I have had dinner, bath and my last bottle of milk. I even managed to steal some of mummy's hand cream, oh I smell lovely. Fairies I'm coming to get you.......

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