Snow fields

I walked up to see the snow this morning and didn't have to go far for the scene to change completely with added windchill.

The first section of the walk was through woodland and I spotted a Sparrowhawk and disturbed it twice trying to get a photo - I probably gave it indigestion as it was trying to eat a Blackbird :-(

This action was being watched by many noisy birds Blackbirds of course with Jays and Nuthatches. Also present but not making any calls that I heard were Redwings I counted 22 - this a day after saying to Penny Bun on her Redwing that I wasn't seeing many.

Its very cold this evening and I watched BBC Winterwatch fascinated by the film about the Owls. Last week I saw Buzzards a couple of times sure that I saw 2 together twice but on a third occasion there was much more aggresion between 2 birds - I was less sure yes one was a Buzzard but the other, well not sure but I do wonder now if it was a Short Eared Owl - very different wing shape.

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