Cloud Gazing......& Housework in the Heat

It isn't so hot today but the humidity is crazy high........I worked it out the only way I could do the housework other than naked (very scary if someone came to the door) is to wear wet cloths straight out of the washing machine...that worked a treat.

We went up to the hill to sit in the cool breeze and eat our ice creams. I tempted the kids to come up with me...I would buy.
I was so excited when I saw the most amazing cloud formations.....Cumulous Maximus I called them......I did a little jig.......and I have some beautiful shots of them too. The light was so lovely...the water reflective and magical and I got some lovely LE shots of the waves again....but I loved this simple shot of the the fools folks (Jaiya and Flynn) on the hill the best.

“I was walking along looking for somebody, and then suddenly I wasn't anymore.”
A.A. Milne

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