Gitama's World

By Gitama

Art Lessons from the Boy....

& The Wolf King

When Jaiya got into her car today for her day long appointment..the battery was flat...the kid had left the inside light on all night.
So the upshot was I had him all day without a car.......we made puppets.

With all the lovely toys he has his face lit up like a beacon when I gave him a huge piece of cardboard..he drew and I cut ...but only very specific to his instructions.

We had a chat about Art.......I told him that I would always support him in his was hard for him to understand that Art for me is taking photos now and not painting...he told me he thought it was my 'computering' that was my art...the conversation went on from there with the end result him saying ' I will always support you in your art too Nanny'

Just after that learned a very big lesson .....I love his creations.(I have started my own little journal of the ones he has given me) and here I was trying to persuade him to 'put the head this way or maybe it has too many arms or you should paint it with more color' I caught myself getting rather peeved when he refused my suggestions and I started to try some rather silly gentle manipulative tactics to do what I wanted him to.
I am glad I did catch myself though because the outcome of the creation 'The Wolf King' really was rather awesome (extra if interested) (with moving arms .....with spear and tail) was so wild and raw and free.
There are so many things that I think drawing /art should be that I forget the beauty of that free ..wild expression...I think that's what I want to protect in him.........I hope he will always have that.

Its been a big day ..Im ready for bed.

“Every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist once he grows up.”
- Pablo Picasso

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