A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley

Coffee love

I am shallow enough that a good looking cup of coffee makes me happy. The lovely environment and being able to happily settle into a chunk of work without worrying about anyone no doubt helped too.

Jackson did almost a full day at school successfully. Only not quite full as his last lesson was PE and as he is not doing exercise yet it seemed to make most sense to collect him early. Tomorrow is his physio appt and we are hoping he will be able to begin his getting back to sport plan. He had a GP check this afternoon and passed that with flying colours so fingers crossed.

In a bid to test my return to sanity Anna came home with a letter saying she had a bump to the head in school today!! Fortunately hers is both small and she has a bit of a shiner and as we have learned this past week it is a case of better out than in with head wounds.

And apart from that, it has very almost been a 'normal' work day which is a good thing. A few more of those and I may even be caught up soon.

Lesley x

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