Ice, Ice baby

This piece of iced snow was precariously placed over the guttering at work today.
I checked on it every time I went upstairs; but by dusk it had dropped.

I was surprised it clung on for so long, especially since the builders started the renovation work outside today, and have been banging and digging since 8am.

To be fair to them, they've really cracked on with it today, again surprising given the amounts of brews they've demanded!
I suppose they need something to keep them warm though.

I did wonder where all the excess fluids were going as they never once came in to use the facilities.

This mystery was solved after they clocked off for the day and my Boss followed the muddy footprints across the lawn and into the corner of the garden. The yellow snow may have also been a clue!
My surgery windows overlook the garden, but I never saw them coming in or out, so they must have timed their trips well :-0

I'm off now until Monday afternoon, so it's me and Mr A vs the weekend :-)

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