in the field along the Weser where we walked today before it started to snow lightly.
At first only a very thin layer but gradually a bit more and more.
When we came home from our walk I made tea, drank it and feel asleep on the couch. Still feeling tired of all the emotions and bodily efforts, and  knowing I am holiday now I can let go. That feels so good, but I discover again that it takes a long time to get rid of the stress that comes from trying to find solutions for every small or bigger issues.
Snow!! It means, if there will be more falling during the night that the world will look so different from the grey and brown that is around is in wintertime.
I love the sheep, most of the time they run away as fast as they can and once in a while they come near, first one, then two and eventually when they are not too busy eating they all come to greet us.

My haiku:

Trusting eyes, begging
Perhaps for the odd carrot
Or leek, or something they cannot name

I like my haiku not going to be halt somewhere where I should think it should.

And the proverb:

To be in the wrong box.

(= awkwardly placed)

1546 J. Heywood, A Dialogue containing ...the Proverbs in the english Tongue.

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