Strelitzia reginae

Today's the day .................... to flower

This is the fabulous flower of the bird-of-paradise plant and it's to be found in my friend Roma's house.

Native to South Africa, the plant was first introduced into Britain in 1773 by Sir Joseph Banks - then the unofficial director of the Royal Gardens at Kew. He named the exotic-looking plant Strelitzia in honour of Queen Charlotte, wife of George III and Duchess of Mecklenburg-Strelitz, who lived at Kew for many years.

I also have one at home.  In fact, it was one day a long while back when I was reading a magazine in the doctors' surgery, that I noticed an advert for them.  I sent off for two plants, kept one myself and gave the other one to Roma.  In all the time since, mine has never flowered. In fact, it has never looked as if it has any intention of flowering, ever.

I have tried re-potting it, restricting its growth, feeding it, starving it - but all to no avail.  I just have to look on enviously as Roma's one annually produces these amazing flowers with consummate ease ............................ 

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