"Can I give you a definite maybe?"

I had a concert Sunday today. 3 concerts, all 3 totally different.

It started at 9:30 a.m., to see The Kings Brass at a local church. 3 trumpets, 3 trombones, a tuba, a keyboard player, and a drummer. Very, very good. Inspirational. Moving. Spine-tingling. The only thing I didn't approve of was when the trumpet players cleared their spit tubes by flinging them into the audience. Sure glad I didn't sit down front. (That didn't really happen.)

In between concert #1 and #2, I went in search of the peacocks, and to a good-sized art show. I found the peacocks (Merrick's favorite), and watched this guy strutting his stuff. What a show, better than any art.

Concert #2 was at my brothers mobile home park. An accomplished flute player. She played mostly classical music, ending with 4 church songs. I also really enjoyed that show.

I wish I could end the story with a 3rd great concert review. But, alas...it was not to be. I really like most southern gospel music, in particular...good harmony. I won't tell the name of the group, but it was all family. Dad, mom, and 2 sons, but for my liking...too twangy. I waited through 6 songs, then politely walked out.

http://www.flickr.com/photos/124969130@N06/sets/72157650415475256/ Click here to see some more peacocks, and some on-the-sly shots taken at the art show. SHAME ON ME!

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