Highly Unsprung

By CynicalWench

Exhibit A: Guardians of the Galaxy Chocolate

Dave and Sam’s tshirts. The male humans in the house are growing increasingly alike. This includes an uncanny ability to shield themselves from the whimsical musings and sudden hormonal ragings of the wimmin of the house.  Okay, okay, I admit, it must take perseverance and determination of avenger type proportions to withstand the regular barrage of irrationality and despotic demands for chocolate from the fair ladies. But hey! Let’s be frank, I have noticed, through vigorously scientifically tested observation goggles, that males are not averse to having their own bouts of irrationality. Furthermore, if I may be so bold, I do postulate that males, as they age, develop that tremendously burdensome affliction known as “insatiable demand for cake”.  There is no known cure. Garden Centres are deadly.  And proximity between place of work and Dobbies cake counter is lethal.

So I guess we are pretty gender equal is this humble abode.   

UNLESS there is only one bit of chocolate left. In such dire circumstances, I’m more than partial to invoking the old primus inter pares card, but not in a Margaret Thatcher way.

UNLESS one of the cunning sods gets all pirate on me and shouts, ‘Parley!’ But then again, I’m not averse to breaking piratey rules when it comes to chocolate. Even if it was Jonny Depp that was doing the asking, or indeed master avenger himself, Thor. Well, actually, maybe Thor. Definitely Root. I’d definitely share it with him. But that stems from my forever crush on Chewbacca. That’s never going away.

I’ve probably revealed too much. Apologies to Tess and Sam who will reread this when they are older and sigh. Loudly. And on the subject of family harmony, I better just add I would of course definitely give Dave my last piece of chocolate. Definitely maybe. Maybe.

I needed chocolate last night. Lost a couple of hours written work at 10pm,; we still can’t figure out why it didn’t save. I swear I nearly looked up the chimney to find it I was so deflated.  There was nothing else for it but to start again and work through into the witching hours.  But in terms of my relationship with my laptop, we now have trust issues.  

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