A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley

No mystery here

I'm exhausted and have failed to take any pictures today so here is my bedtime reading. I'm guessing about 10 pages before I fall asleep with it bashing me on the nose.

As expected a difficult conversation delivering the disappointing news to J. But he's doing his best to deal with it and get on with things best he can. I've said it before but I do really think his very rational understanding of everything is a big help.

And as a bonus we took the opportunity of no football tonight to go to the cinema and see The Imitation Game. Amazing film.

Anna was at one of our neighbours after her drama class and when we turned up to collect her asked if she could stay for a sleepover.

And meanwhile Carlos was arriving in The Big Apple for his whirlwind trip to visit a friend.

So there's just me and J and it's very oddly quiet.

Random other things to remember. J's maths brain is functioning perfectly as demonstrated by him whooping me at the numbers game on the Countdown board game. Tomorrow we'll play the word bit so I can feel better. And had an interesting chat with J following discussions about being literal. I was reminding him how when he was little he hated it when people would say things like, "I'll be there in a minute " because it was never true. I thought that he'd accepted now that it was a figure of speech and didn't bother him. Turns out that's not true and it still bothers him and he wishes people wouldn't do it but he just adjusts what they've said in his head to what he thinks they mean and sets his expectations around that. I'm going to try and stop doing it now though.

Enough late night rambling. I have a book to fall asleep under.

Lesley x

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