A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley

Working hard

Saturday is one of Anna's most hard working days. She gets up earlier than any other day to spend a long morning at music school. Home for a shortish turnaround and out again for an hour of modern dancing. Tiring but she'd never hear any suggestion of not doing it. And after all that she was up for making raita to accompany our lamb curry, sweet potato cake, rice, cumin okra feast when grandma and grandpa arrived this evening. It's fair to say she is now curled up on the sofa doing nothing and I suspect that will go for most of her Sunday too.

I did my bit by roadying at music school and taking the dog for a massive run around the park this afternoon.

Carlos took J to the tank (24). J's been tired since he got back but he's doing really well.

Lesley x

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