A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley


I know, hilarious.

Of course actually shattered. Though with good reason as I have taken it upon myself to launch in to Spring cleaning. Even the inside of the inside of the bin has been cleaned. Though most significantly Anna and I spent more than two solid hours attacking her room. Many charity and rubbish bags later I got hugs and thank yous and "oh that wasn't a chore after all. It's so nice to be able to use my desk again." A very satisfying afternoon.

J was at a cinema party for a group of friends seeing Taken 3 in which apparently Liam Neesom is the worst family member as he hasn't only now lost three of his family members, Jackson is certain the end was left with a clear opening for number four.

Dinner and a chilled out evening with The Middle and The Voice.

And I shall whisper it very cautiously but it may be possible that J is finally symptom free. Another day of this and he will hopefully be able to start exercising. The impact of the endorphins on that level of happiness could be quite something to behold!

And tomorrow we visit our puppy. And perhaps 2015 can get back on track.

Lesley x

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