Giddy up Mummy!

Today has been a visiting day.

Firstly, my Sister and Theo who I've not seen in 3 weeks due to illness (them not me) and the snow.
They've both been ill this week again too, but were ok for me to visit today. Theo was in a great mood; I got lots of cuddles :-)

Poor mummy was run ragged though with the demand for piggy back rides (bearing in mind she's 4 months pregnant).

It's her birthday soon, so I thought I best ask what she wants rather than get her a 'pile of shit' like I did at Christmas!!!!
She's asked for a voucher again, so that's all she will get.

Earlier this week, I found out my neighbour has been moved to the local hospice, which is much more accessible than the hospital she has been in since before Christmas, so I thought I should visit.

It is a lovely place (well, as nice as a hospice can be) and she is being really well cared for.

She looks old and frail, and can only use her left hand now; which she complained bitterly about using the iPad.
We managed a half decent conversation, with her tapping out her responses on the iPad; she said she was pleased to see me.

She is a popular lady and has had a lot of visitors, but said that not many people visit at night, so I've promised to go again one night after work.

My final visit of the day was to the local with Mr A!
Just one Guinness each, then home for food and a movie night.

It's been a good day :-)

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