A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley

Weird kids

My kids seem to have turned the ability to grow to above a certain height into not only a virtue but something they should be praised for. Ironically knocking the very folks who have given them the means or the genes to do so as they sail past towards thinner air. So this may look like a sweet, aw grandma and grandkids shot but really they are just using her as a glorified tape measure.

Still it gives me a blip and pretty much the only alternatives were more Anna cooking (she had a blow torch for Christmas so made creme brûlée today) or the outside of a potential new, allegedly non judgemental dentist so I can call them tomorrow.

And the opportunity to make the exciting report that Jackson was able to join us all for Sunday lunch today. And is definitely getting stronger every day.

And yes Anna is wearing her pjs and yes she did wear them all day. Though hypocritically I'm fairly certain if I wore them on the school run she would have a more negative view on all-day pyjama wearing.

And now I have a long lie-out (?) / reverse lie-in (?) as I am heading to bed early to get some serious reading time in.

Lesley x

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