Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont

Archie admires the view...

Or perhaps he's just spotted a far off dog ...

Out nice and early for a dog walk, bagels toasted, coffee roasted - all ready on the sofa for the Big Match this morning... ended in disappointment, after a tremendous three sets - Djokovic is just too good at the moment. It's a wonder Murray isn't told off about his swearing on court. But a great way to start a Sunday morning.

After the match we went up Blackford Hill, it being such a beautiful day again. Archie had a great time, as usual, meeting lots of dogs - even a big black Standard Schnauzer who just pointedly ignored him - he sat and turned his face away while wee Archie snuffled around him. Archie was pleased to see many other dogs with silly coats on - even a big dog with its owner's cut off jumper on - now that did look silly.

Back home, and I did a bit of sawing and tidying the front yard. I was stuffed - wouldn't want a garden any bigger than that! I felt I earned that big slab of lemon drizzle cake.

Off to watch the second episode of last night's Spiral.

Dog trainer coming tomorrow!

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