at home with an Ivysaurus

By MoGrant

Purple coat

Grandma Tracey got this coat for Ivy and I've been desperate for her to grow into it. It reminds me of my former favourite coat (that I've now sold because it'll never fit over my post baby hips).

She fell over walking to gaelic toddlers and got herself a bit concussed. She spent half an hour being dazed and cuddly before going a bit bad and running about all over the place. I took her to the library to wait for Euan to finish work- she sort of ran in circles doing all over random impressions and tried to put the librarians comfy shoes that she found in the back office on. We went to look at a new house for renting today- it's still only 2 bedrooms and isn't any bigger than were we are currently, but it has a heating system that will suit us better- oil that powers radiators instead of a coal fire. Originally we thought we couldn't afford it, since rent is more, but once I worked out average bills for the two it actually worked out as only a tiny bit more- so we've decided to go for it. Will be moving over the next month- so expect even sporadic blipping than i've been guilty of recently. 

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